星期一, 10月 03, 2011




人.土地. 空氣. 水. 植物. 動物以及一切的自然現象,




(太...簡單的句子就不翻成中文啦! 否則就是侮辱讀者啦! 這是很好的懶人藉口!)

(偶爾用中文拼音,敬請見諒! 只是為了要讓學English好玩好記一些!看sam多好心!)

(看完這篇,您就知道,sam 一直是在玩English啦!)



人與植物 / 認識植物 ,上方連結的主題!

2011.9.27 編輯日



Animals : kangaroo 袋鼠/ rabbit/ pig/ giraffe 長頸鹿/ zebra 斑馬/ frog 青蛙/

chameleon 變色龍 / sheep 綿羊 / parrot 鸚鵡 / cow 母牛/ dog / ca t/

在田野中的生物有: snail 蝸牛/ leaf 葉子/ beetle 甲蟲/ spider 蜘蛛/ cicada 蟬/

grasshopper 蚱蜢/ fly 蒼蠅/ bee 蜜蜂/ grass 草/ mosquito 蚊子/

butterfly 蝴蝶/ dragonfly 蜻蜓/

dove 鴿子;政黨上溫和派的人;溫和可愛的人(新北市永和區很多鴿子)

In the ancient times , people hunted wild animals for food.


Lions are called the king of the forest. 森林之王

The lion is the king of animals. 萬獸之王

Monkeys are wise animals.

The air in this room is not fresh. 這個房間的空氣不新鮮.

Beaver's tail is adapted for swimming. 海狸的尾巴適合游泳.

adapt vt.適合於 / beaver 海狸 河狸

The hat is made of beaver. 這頂帽子是海狸毛皮製的。

Ann's face is as red as an apple. 安的臉和蘋果一樣紅.

She only had an apple for lunch.

Both of them like to eat apple pies.

There is a bird singing in the tree.

Mary 's favorite fruit juice is apple juice.

There are a total of ten apples in the box.

Ants work hard moving the crumbs.螞蟻辛勤的搬運麵包屑.

People can not live without air and water.

There are several apples on the table.

The queen in Snow White poisoned the apple and gave it to the princes.


We have to recycle resources precisely to reduce pollution.


There are turtles , fish , frogs and lotuses in the pond.


I like to swim in the sea rather than in the swimming pool.

The population here is friendly and hospitable.


He bought a few apples in the market.

Do you see the apple on the table?

All the apples went bad.

He wants to go out for some fresh air.

She likes animals very much.

It’s cool in autumn.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

She put those apples in the glass bowl. 玻璃碗

Let’s breathe in the fresh morinng air.

Ants are tiny insects.螞蟻是很小的昆蟲.

The ant is one centimeter.一公分

There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.




sparrow 麻雀 / swallow 燕子 / woodpecker 啄木鳥 / owl 貓頭鷹/

crow 烏鴉 / parrot 鸚鵡 / peacock 孔雀 / pelican 塘鵝 / crane 鶴/

swon 天鵝 / duck 鴨 / hen 雞 / goose鵝/ turkey 火雞 / nightingale 夜鷹/

pigeon 鴿子=dove / penguin 企鵝 / osrich 鴕鳥 / eagle 鷹 / hawk 禿鷹 /

A birds in hand is worth two in bush. 雙鳥在林,不如一鳥在手

Birds are flying in the sky.

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃

The early worm is catched by bird. (早起的蟲兒被鳥吃!

The early worm is birds' food. )

Bees fly above the flowers. 蜜蜂在花的上面飛著.

Three birds fly above the flowers.三隻鳥飛在花兒上.

The baby likes to smile.這個嬰兒喜歡笑.


My brother likes to play with sand at the beach. 我弟弟喜歡到海邊玩沙子.

beach(約唸:必去 \^^/ ) N.海邊.沙灘 ( sand非sam ^^,喜歡跟sam去玩也可以呀!)

They are vacationing at the beach. 他們正在海濱度假。

I saw the brown bear in the zoo. 我在動物園看到棕熊. (牠也看到你^^)

My boss is not a good person.


...看吧升遷無望,誰叫你背後常批boss!!! 沒辦法,很多boss很欠KKKK....一億遍+ing )

Books are food for the mind. 書是心靈的糧食.

Everybody had a lot of fun at the beach. 在海邊玩得很快樂.

He is highly interested in bugs. 我對昆蟲極有興趣. =inset

My dog can catch the branch I threw out. 我的狗可以啣住我丟出的樹枝.

We ground coffee beans into coffee powder. 我們把咖啡豆磨成咖啡粉.

ground vt 磨碎; 擱淺;停飛;立基於… vi擱淺 ;基於(+on或upon)


The ground is fertile. 這片土地很肥沃。

Our friendship is on firm grounds. 我們的友誼建築在牢固的基礎上.

Our school has a large football ground. 我們學校有一個大足球場

The enemy is losing ground. 敵人正在節節敗退.

The house stands in lovely grounds. 這房子位於美麗的庭園之中.

bean N.豆子;一文錢(口語);無價值的東西(口語)

It is not worth a bean. 它一點價值都沒有。

That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.


Bats go out for food during the night. (蝙蝠,約唸:背特)

The teacher is pointing at the blackboard.

Birds are singing in the tree.

My balcony is facing south.(約念:’背了可妮) 陽台面向南方.

Our school has a new biology teacher today.(約唸:掰’阿了居)N.生物學

The butterfly flew away when we got close to it. 當我們靠近時,蝴蝶就飛走了.

You have to buy a cage if you want to raise a bird. 籠子

The injured deer hid in the bush to avoid being discovered by the hunter.


What’s the difference between boys and girls?


N. 芽; 葉芽[C][U] ; 花蕾[C][U] ; 萌芽, 未成熟的事物[C][U] ;小孩;少女[c]

Vi 發芽 ; 開始生長 Vt 使發芽

The peach flowers are now in bud. 桃花正含苞待放。

Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud. 一切惡感都必須在萌芽狀態就消滅。

The apple trees are budding. 蘋果樹正在抽芽。

You can see birds on my roof quite often.


The bird was set free by a kind man.


Bamboo shoots are out of season right now.


bamboo N.竹子 shoot N.芽

The monkey is eating a banana.

Do monkeys really like bananas?

He is walking his dos at the beach.

She collects a lot of Teddy bears.

Bees are insects.

He doesn’t eat beef. 牛肉

There is a yellow bird in the cage.

The birds are flying in the sky.

Bananas are yellow.

I am afraid of bats. 我怕 虫扁 蝠

He bought a banana pie. 他買了一個香蕉派.

The coffee beans were sold out. 咖啡豆全賣光了.

My brother is vacationing at the beach.我弟弟正在海濱渡假.

We camped near the beach.我們在海灘附近紮營

The beach is so beautiful.這海灘非常美麗.

You can see many different birds in the


Mr. Smith teaches us biology. 生物學

That bridge was built ten years ago.那座橋建於10年前.

I didn’t see any butterfly in the garden.

These birds are kept in different cages.



There is a cat. 有一隻貓.

Do you like carrots ? 你喜歡吃胡蘿蔔?

There is a cow on the farm. 有一頭牛在農場上.

A cow is a useful animal.

A cow is eating grass on the farm.一隻母牛在農場上吃草.

*ox N.公牛

*bull N.(未閹割過的)公牛;(象, 鯨, 海豹等的)雄獸[C]; 彪形大漢, 壯漢 [C]

(證券等的)買方, 多頭; 行情看漲者 [C] ; [美俚語] 警察; 工頭 [C];

【俚】胡說, 廢話[U] None of your bull! 別胡謅了!

【口】靶心; 中心目標[C]

vt. 強使...通過, 擠出(路);哄抬...價格

He bulled his way into the hall. 他擠過人群走進大廳。

【美】【俚】嚇唬; 欺騙

He bulled her into handing him her share of the money.

他嚇唬著讓她把自己那份錢交給他。 ( 12生肖屬牛的較易霸凌他人 ^^ )

vi. 哄抬證券(或商品)價格; 上漲 ; 猛力前進

I bulled past him. 我用力從他身邊擠過。

[俚] 聊天 ; 吹牛

adj 雄的; 公牛的; 公牛般的; 大號的 ; 行情上漲的; 做多頭的

A cat was hit by the car.有一隻貓被車撞了.


高明的辯解 不如 誠心道歉!

It's not so cold as you think.天氣不像你想的那麼冷.(表天氣)

It's cool in autumn.秋天天氣涼爽.(表天氣)

The winter is very cold. 今年冬天很冷.(表天氣)

It has turned out fine again. 天氣又轉晴了.

There are no clouds in a clear sky. 晴朗的天空裡沒有雲.

Would you like to drink a cup of coffee?

(咖啡是由咖啡樹上的豆子磨粉泡水而製的喔! 沒見過咖啡樹的請到


She has an antipathy to any legless creatures. 她生來就討厭無足生物.

antipathy (約唸:安'踢怕西) N.反感

creature N.生物;家畜; (含有憐愛或輕蔑的意思)人, 傢伙 (約唸:'虧疚)

Worms are very simple creatures. 蠕蟲是很簡單的生物。

She's a beautiful creature. 她是個美人。

They often go camping in summer. 他們常在夏天去露營.(就是為了親近大自然呀)

We use chopsticks to eat. 我們用筷子吃飯. (灰洲人說我門用嘴吃飯 ^^ )

chopsticks (約唸:'恰剋死敵剋死,一定要用複數,跟褲子 嘴唇 眼鏡 港款\)

I like to sit on the comfortable chair watching TV. (我家椅子都是木製的)

Cereal with milk is a commom American breakfast.

穀類食物加牛奶是美國常見早餐 (約唸:西綠兒)

The activity will be held in the campus. 活動將在校園裡舉行.

Cabbage is suitable for salad. 包心菜適合用來做沙拉. (約唸: ‘K Bi G)

Susan screams when she sees a cockroach. (蟑螂 約唸:’卡落去)


Drop in at my place for a cup of coffee!

The carrots are ten dollars a pound.

The carrot is rich in vitamin A. 胡蘿蔔富含維他命A.

They tried very hard to pull up the big carrot.

We spent our holidays in the country.鄉村

The garden is carpeted with roses. 花園裡遍佈著玫瑰花.

carpet N.地毯 Vt覆蓋

The moon was covered by clouds.

The northeastern part of Taiwan is famous for its beautiful coast.


Cockroaches are despised by most people.大部份的人都很討厭蟑螂.

Corn soup is made of butter , milk, corn, potato,and so on.

玉米濃湯的材料有奶油. 牛奶.玉米.馬鈴薯等.

Cotton can be made into cloth. 棉花可以製成布料.

A cotton shirt is cheaper than a silk one.棉質襯衫比絲質襯衫便宜.

Cowboys have to take care of the horses and cows on a farm. 牛仔

Crabs can be easily found along the shore. 沿著海岸,很容易發現螃蟹.

The flood caused great damage to crops. 那場洪水對農作物造成重大的損失.

Camels are important for transportation in deserts.

駱駝是沙漠中的重要運輸工具. (desert N.沙漠 約唸: ‘爹惹特 )

Nobody likes to live in that desert region.


desert vt.拋棄; 擅離職守 (此時約唸: 底'熱特 )

All his friends deserted him. 所有朋友都離他而去.

dessert N. 點心;餐後甜點

(約唸: 底'熱特,與上面的desert做拋棄時音同,但點心多一個s ,看到沒)

After dinner , we had ice cream for dessert.

Do you like noodles in chicken soup ? 你喜歡雞湯麵嗎?

Cold days begin in November.

Mom made a pot of coffee for my classmates. 泡一壺咖啡

Uncle Sam has a small cottage.小農舍

The plane is flying above the clouds.

It is another cloudy day today.今天又是多雲的一天.

It’s so cold today.

Do you want to go camping with us?

My friend Jesse is a cat person.愛貓人

He likes chicken.

The Chinese eat with chopsticks.筷子

The furniture is covered with cloth.家具上覆蓋著布.

The farmer is feeding the cows.

The cat is so cute.

A cat is difficult from a dog.

Here comes a fat cat.來了一隻胖貓. (也有歹徒覬覦的肥羊之意)

Cats hide somewhere for a nap during the


He saved my cat.

They are looking for their cat.

I don’t know if the cat is still alive.我不知道這貓是否還活著.

The waiter brought me a cup of coffee.

Would you like some coffee?

Coffee is my favorite drink.

There is a coffee shop at the corner of the


One of my duties is to make coffee.煮咖啡是我的職責之一.

Have some cream and sugar in your coffee.在你的咖啡中加點糖和奶油吧.

The cat ran away.這貓跑了.

She is cooking the carrot soup. 紅蘿蔔湯

I love hot chicken soup in winter. 熱雞湯

The moon was covered with dark clouds.

I like the white cotton shirt. 白棉布襯衫.

He is a corn farmer.他是玉米農場的主人.

He lives in the town along the coast.沿海城市

I saw a cow on the road.

He is interested in the culture of ancient China.他對中國古文化有興趣.



He is the master of that dog.他是那隻狗的主人.

Love me , love my dog. 愛屋及烏 (記得最後一個字不是bird ^^)

This movie is about dinosaurs. 這部電影是有關恐龍的.

There are three things extremely hard : steel , a diamon , and to know one's self.

世上有三種極爲堅硬(困難)的東西:鋼鐵 , 鑽石,了解自我.

( 富蘭克林, Benjamin Franklin 1706~1790 美國政治家, 外交官,發明家,印刷家 )

The dog is a cute animal.狗是很可愛的動物.

There is a dead dog in the street.

My dog is black. (有白有黑又有花 ^^)

You need to clean your desk because it is too dirty.

(desk很多素用木頭 木身 木尾 做滴 ^^ 所以它被編在這裡!)

He took off her clothes. 他脫掉她的衣服.

(哈!這句有一點18禁的感覺!sorry! clothes常有用麻紗綿所製,故也編入它喔!)

Miss Lin keeps four dogs. 養狗狗

The hunter killed a deer. 鹿

Is this a real diamond?

We must set out at dawn.我們必須於黎明出發.

Tom gave Mary a diamond ring as the wedding ring.


We are curious about why dinosaurs disappeared.


curious adj 好奇的 ; 奇怪的 (約唸: Q綠兒思)

The boy was curious about everything he saw.


I heard a curious noise last night.


dinosaur N.恐龍 (約唸: ‘呆呢手兒)

Dolphins are cute and smart. 海豚既可愛又聰明 (台語 ”金甲口愛” )

dolphin N.海豚 (約唸: ‘打了fIn)

a school of dolphins 一群海豚 兩群.. two schools of …

Donkeys can carry heavy goods. 驢可以負責重物.

Dragon represents a good symbol in Chinese culture.


dragon N.龍 (約唸: ‘嘴梗)

represent [͵rɛprɪˋzɛnt] vt. 象徵;扮演;代表

The dove represents peace. 鴿子象徵和平.

Each child will represent an animal at the party.

聚會時, 每個孩子將扮演一種動物。

They said that they represented the committee.


symbol N.象徵; 記號 vt象徵…

We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.


The white bird is a symbol of freedom.


Flowers are considered a female symbol.

花被認為是女性的象徵. (female [fimel] : N.女性 adj 女性的)

Females have an important place in society.


male [mel] N. 男性;雄性的動物;雄性植物 adj男性的

A male nurse took my temperature. 一位男護士給我量了體溫

Males are generally taller than females. 雄性動物通常長得比雌性動物高。

In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.

雄鳥大抵都比雌鳥大, 而且羽毛顏色更鮮豔。

There is a duck swimming in the pond.

Some children have a fear of dogs. 有些孩子怕狗.

fear [fIr] N.害怕 ; 因為怕…

Mom told me not to talk , for fear of waking the baby.

Don’t feed your dog anything too salty. 太鹹

feed N.一餐;飼料;u牧草

vt.餵… ;提供;撫養;滿足..慾望 vi 以…為食 (為能源)

Rabbits feed on fruits and vegetables.

She gave her baby four feeds a day. 她每天餵嬰兒四頓。

Corn is used as animal feed. 玉米被用作牲口飼料。

We feed the birds every day. 我們每天給鳥餵食。

They fed him on biscuits. 他們用餅乾餵他。

This moving belt feeds the machine with raw material.


They fed him information. 他們向他提供信息。

He has a large family to feed. 他有一個大家庭要撫養。

He did it to feed her vanity. 他那麼做是為了滿足她的虛榮心。

Sheep feed on grass. 羊吃的是草。

The dog jumped over the fence and ran into the street.

fence N. 籬笆

Grasses were moist with dew. 沾滿露水的草是潮濕的.

dew N.露水;露珠; (像露水一樣的)純潔; 清新; 朝氣[U]

vt. 弄溼 vi 結露

Beads of dew still clung to the roses. 玫瑰花上仍然掛著露珠。

It is beginning to dew. 在結露水了。

moist adj,潮濕的

The shadow projecting on the wall looked like a dog.


He shook off the dust after he rose from the ground.


shake shook shaken vt 搖動

rise rose risen vi 站起來 ;升高

The dog is wagging its tail to me.那隻狗正向我搖尾巴.

You almost hit my dog.

My dog won’t bite you.

The dog is running across the bridge.

Dogs can be trained to work.

The dog has a funny pair of ears.

I have no experience in keep a dog.

The dog is running after a cat.那隻狗追著一隻貓.

Hot dogs are not made out of dog meat.

The dog is licking its claws.舔它的爪子

How could you kick that dog?

Whose dog is it?

We can’t have dogs in the apartment.我們不能在公寓裡養狗.

The dog bit the thief last night.

The dog is so cute.

Tom gave me a doggie. 小狗

His dog follows him everywhere he goes.他走到哪,他的狗就跟到哪.

He took two days to cross the desert.穿越沙漠

He crossed the desert alone.他獨自橫越沙漠.

Wash the dirt off the floor.

He is doing dolphin research.他正在從事海豚的研究.

There was a big drop in temperature today.今天的氣溫大幅下降.

The dragon is a symbol of power.龍是權力的象徵.

Don’t forget to feed the dog.別忘了餵狗.



She puts the eggs in a basket.她把雞蛋放在籃子裡.

(eggs應算生物吧!它若被放在'正確的屁股下'就可能孵化為小雞 \^^/

How far is the earth from the sun? 地球離太陽多遠?

Eagles have brisk eyes and sharp beaks.


eagle N.老鷹 (約唸: 一狗 )

beak N.鳥嘴; 喙狀鳥嘴 (約唸: 必可 ) 必可吃掉你 \^^/

brisk adj輕快的, 快的 ; 興旺的, 繁榮的; 語言尖刻辛辣的

(約唸 :台語”肥”sk) \^^/ 歐羅肥的”肥” !

He is a brisk walker. 他是個走路輕快的人。

Sales are amazingly brisk. 銷售出奇地興旺。

She spoke in a brisk tone of voice. 她用尖刻的語調說話。

brisk vt. 使輕快; 使活躍; 使興旺[(+up)]

He brisked up his pace. 他加快了步子。

brisk vi. 變得輕快; 活躍起來; 興旺起來[(+up)]

I believe that the market will brisk up. 我相信市場會活躍起來

The family environment affects children very much.

家庭環境對小孩影響甚鉅. (約唸: 硬’歪落門 )

Taste these newly-laid eggs. They’re just collected from the farm.


They mixed eggs with flour to make a cake.


It’s everyone’s duty to protect our environment.


Don’t pull all your eggs in one basket.

The earth moves round the sun.

Lin Wang was an Asian elephant.

The elephant is the biggest animal on land.

There are a few eggs in the basket.

I bought fifty eggs.

I like eggs for breakfast.

Have you seen a white elephant ?

Henry is a man of strong emotions.亨利是一個情感強烈的人.

The little girl needs a pleasant home






flying fish 飛魚 / salmon 鮭魚 / eel鱔魚 / flatfish 比目魚

cuttlefish 墨魚.烏賊 / octopus 章魚 / shark 鯊魚 / globefish 河豚

crab 蟹 / lobster 龍蝦 / starfish 海星 / whale 鯨 / carp鯉魚

goldfish 金魚 / catfish 鯰魚 / trout 鳟魚

flower (指一般花) blossom指會結果實的花

lily 百合 / daffodil 水仙花 / carnation 康乃馨/ tulip 鬱金香 /

hyacinth 風信子,洋水仙 / rose 玫瑰 , 薔薇 / violet 紫羅蘭 /

morning-glory 牽牛花 / dandelion 蒲公英 / chrysanthemum 菊花 /

sunflower 向日葵 / pansy 三色紫羅蘭 /

fruit 水果

straw berry 草莓 / apple / orange / banana/ watermelon /

grapes葡萄 / cherries 櫻桃 / peach 桃子 / lemon 檸檬 /

pineapple 鳳梨 / fig 無花果 / persimmon 柿子 /

Mother arranged these flowers. 母親整理這些花.

arranged (約唸:兒'倫雞) vt.整理...

What 's your favorite flower ?

The fire is burning.火正在燒.

I caught a fish in a net.我用網子抓了一條魚.

He caught a lot of fish.

Tom does not like fish.

We will go fishing this afternoon.

My father works on the farm.

Is Tom's father a farmer ?

The fruits were mailed in ten packages.

His father is a fisherman. 漁夫

Father made a fire to keep us warm. 父親生起火來讓我們取暖.

He burned his finger when he made a fire.

Amy likes pink flowers. 粉紅色

The kids are sitting on the floor.

I live on the second floor.

I like fruit and vegetables.

My grandmother is good at cooking sweet and sour fish. 煮糖醋魚

There are many kinds of fruit in Taiwan.

Wendy spends most of her money on flowers.

The classroom is alive with flowers. 教室佈置了花就顯得生氣勃勃.

This fruit tastes sweet.

My aunt planted many white flowers in front of her house.

There is a flower on the edge of the cliff.

懸崖邊有一朵花 (是天山雪蓮嗎?)

edge N.邊緣 vt.磨利… / cliff N.懸崖, 峭壁[C] (約唸:’可力夫)

It takes courage and strength to scale these cliffs.


The major part of the population are farmers.大部份的人口務農.

Foxes are said to be a kind of tricky animal.


French eat frogs and snails. 法國人吃青蛙和蝸牛.

London is famous for its fog.倫敦以霧出名

It’s nice to take a walk in the foggy forest.

Cutting down a forest illegally is doing harm to our earth.


Illegally [ɪˋligəlɪ] adv 非法地

Harm [harm] N.u 損傷, 傷害; 危害[U] vt. 損害, 傷害; 危害

Harm set, harm get. 害人反害己。

Will this cleaning fluid harm the furniture?


It will harm no one at all. 它絕不會傷害任何人。

fluid [ˋfluɪd] adj. 流動的; 流體的; 液體的 ; 不固定的;流暢的

N. 流體, 流質; 液體[C][U]

My holiday plans are fluid. 我的假日計畫不是固定的。

The professor praised her fluid style. 教授稱讚她流暢的文體。

All liquids and gases are fluids. 所有液體與氣體都是流體

All my furniture is made of wood.

A large French fries has hundreds of calories.


Food is necessary for life.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難的朋友才是真正的朋友.

She felt great pain in her stomach ten minutes after she had eaten the fish.


It’s the best choice to have a hot pot on such a freezing day.


A large production of paper could cause the reduction of forests.


It’s important to watch the weather report before you go fishing.

What do you usually do during your summer vacation?

I always go hiking or camping. 健行或露營

Is it fun ?

Sure, I can relax and get some fresh air in the forest.

go boating / go surfing 沖浪/go diving 潛水/ go swimming /

go skateboarding滑板 / go skating 溜冰/ go shopping / go window shopping 閒逛/

This soap has a smell of flowers. 這塊香皂有花的香味.

Who ate all the food?

The food is cheap in the night market.

He is hungry for Janpanese food.他想吃日本菜.

Farmers work on the farm.

Chocolate cake is my favorite food.

I didn’t get any flowers on my birthday.

The garden is full of flowers.

He’ll fly to London next week. (fly可當N.蒼蠅之意)

The fisherman caught a lot of fish.

The fruit is fresh.水果很新鮮.

Taiwan is famous for tropical fruits.


She rides a horse when she is on the farm.她在農場時都騎馬.

April rain brings May flowers.

The fans sent flowers th that singer.

We can see the fish in the clear river.我們可以看到清澈的河中有魚.

Her friendship with Mark developed quickly.她與馬克的友誼發展迅速.

He is a diligent farmer.他是一個勤奮的農夫.

They work on the farm. 他們在農場工作.

She put the fish in the big dish.

The house was lost in fire.那個房子毀於火災.

She grows flowers in the garden.

I won’t drive in the thick fog.我不會在濃霧中駕車.

It was foggy last night.

The southern part of the country is made up

of thick forests.




She is a beautiful girl.她是一個漂亮的女孩!

(參加我們English社群女孩和女士都是美麗的 ^^ 開心吧!每日一散,散播愛心的散!)

After a few years,she became a beautiful girl.(不能再多說,小心被追殺!)

Look ! The goats are feeding on grass. 山羊正在吃草.

They are sitting on the grass.

I took the kids to the garden.

A giraffe has a long neck. 長頸鹿

Keep off the grass. 勿踐踏草地.

You should drink grape juice often to take iron.


Never kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.


Guava juice is my favorite juice. 芭樂汁是我最喜愛的果汁.

Do you believe in God?

Don’t walk on the grass.不要走在草地上.

The giraffe has a long neck.長頸鹿

He is digging for gold.



A horsefly is annoying. 馬蠅是令人討厭的.

annoy vt.使..困擾 = worry=trouble

Where can I buy a delicious hamburger?


delicious (約唸:滴'力秀斯) adj 美味的;好吃的;有趣的

The fried chicken is delicious. 這炸雞味道鮮美。

He has a bag of delicious stories. 他有許多好聽的故事。

N. (大寫)金香蘋果, 紅香蘋果[C]

Red Delicious 紅色有黃紋的芳香蘋果

Gold Delicious 黃綠色的芳香蘋果

A hill is not as high as a mountain. 丘陵不如山高.

The horse jumped over the fence. 籬笆.

There is a school on the hill.

The hippo opened its big mouth and made the child laugh happily.


Put some honey into the tea instead of sugar.


Human beings have the most complete thinking ability.


They skied down the hill at a high speed.


It is hot in August.

They are digging a hole.他們在挖一個洞.

Granny is too old to take care of her



Who will take out the garbage?誰要出去丟垃圾?

There ‘s a house on the hill.山丘上有棟房子.

The horse died in natural death.這匹馬是自然死亡.

How deep is the hole?這個洞有多深.

I can’t ride a horse.



Taiwan is a beautiful island. 臺灣是一個美麗的寶島.

The bee is a diligent insect. 蜜蜂是勤勞的昆蟲

Harmful insets will eat the crop.有害的昆蟲會吃農作物.

Strike while the iron is hot.打鐵要趁熱.



I have been to the jungles of India. 我曾去過印度的叢林地帶.

jungles (約唸:江狗死) N. 叢林

I drink a glass of oragne juice for breakfast.

She put on her jewels.



A baby koala hanging on to his mothers's back is amusing.


amuse vt.使歡樂 /koala 澳洲產無尾熊

A pyramid is an ancient tomb for an ancient king.


ancient adj.遠古的(唸:ㄟ遜特)/ king 帝王.國王(是一種有權利與地位的人)

pyramid N.金字塔.角錐形物.(約唸:'匹瑞米得)vi 步步高升.節節增加

The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world.


Families are at the base of a socio-economic pyramid.


Consumer lending had pyramided since the war.


Tom's mother let him keep the kitten he found.

The kangaroo is the token of Australia. 袋鼠是澳洲的象徵.

Children mean “a kitten” when they say “a kitty”.

孩子們說的[口苗 咪] ,意思是指[小貓].

When the koalas came to Taiwan , people rushed to the zoo to watch them.


koala[koˋɑlə] N. 樹袋熊(澳洲產無尾熊)

rush vi 衝;趕緊;湧 vt.急送;急忙地做; N.匆忙;緊急;搶購;激增 adj.緊急的

He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身向門口跑去。

Don't rush to a conclusion. 不要急於下結論。

Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains.


The injured passengers were rushed to the hospital.


We rushed the work. 我們趕做工作。

It was a bit of a rush to get the job done in two hours.


There was a rush for the concert tickets. 出現了爭購音樂會入場券的熱潮。

A sudden rush of business kept us on the go.


The boss gave us a rush job. 上司派給我們一個緊急任務



There is a small boat on the lake.

Mark is fishing by the lake. 馬克正在湖邊釣魚.

He owns a lot of land.

Some people like to drink tea with lemon. 喝茶加檸檬

I enjoy a simple life.

While there is life , there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒.

a swarm of locusts 一群蝗蟲 ( locust N.蝗蟲 )

swarm N. (昆蟲等的)群; 蜂群 ; (密集的)一大群, 一大批 ;大量,許多[p]+[(of)] ;

【生】游動孢子群; 浮游生物群

She left amid a swarm of photographers. 她離開時一群攝影記者圍著她。

There were swarms of mosquitoes around here. 這兒蚊蟲成群。

swarm vi. 不及物動詞 (蜜蜂)分群[(+off)] ; 成群地移動(或飛行) ; 被擠滿; 群集[(+with)]

Customers swarmed into the store. 顧客蜂湧著擠進商店。

The castle swarmed with sightseers. 這座城堡到處都是觀光客。

swarm vt. 擠滿

Passengers swarmed the deck. 甲板上擠滿了旅客

Their little girl is gentle like a lamb, while their boy is active like a rabbit.


The maple leaves turn red in the autumn.楓葉秋季轉紅

She doesn’t eat anything with lettuce in it.她不吃任何含有萵苣的東西.

The lightning struck a tree. 閃電擊中了一棵樹.

A leaf fell on his head.

There is a lake in the center of Taiwan.

Lemon is a healthy fruit.

Are you afraid of lions?

The leaves turn brown in autumn.秋天時葉子會變黃.



Faith will move mountain.信心可移山.

If all this accumulated , it will tower higher

than Mt. Jade. 假使這所有的一切都累積起來,它將比玉山還高.

accumulate vt.累積/Mt.山之縮寫

They go mountain climbing every month.他們每個月都去爬山.

Life is like climbing a high mountain.

Grandmother has a large house on the mountain.

We finally arrived at the top of mountain.

Jack often goes mountain climbing with his family.

It's is no use crying over the spilt milk.

覆水難收.(雖如此翻譯句中卻沒有一個water! )

I assume that that mountain will errupt soon.


assume vt 猜想... = guess

以為; 假定為; (想當然地)認為[+(that)]

I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。

承擔; 就任; 取得

The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen.


呈現; 採取; 採用;奪取

His illness assumed a very grave character.


裝出, 假裝

He assumed a look of surprise. 他裝出吃驚的神色。

assume vi. 裝腔作勢 ; 多管閒事

Jack is very afraid of mice. 老鼠mouse複數是mice

That cat is running after the mouse. 那隻貓正在追老鼠.


Monkeys like to eat bananas. 猴子喜歡吃香蕉 (sam也是 ^^所以牠有一點像我!)

His statement astonished the people at the foot of the mountain.


astonish (約唸:兒'死搭你婿) 使...驚訝 = surprise

We were astonished at the news of her sudden death.


I saw a big mouse in the school last Friday.

A man may die. Nation may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

命有旦夕,國有興亡,但思想永遠流傳. ( 美國第35任John F. Kennedy 總統佳言 1917~1963)

A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

你只能被摧毀, 但不能被打倒. (美國作家海明威 Ernest Hemingway 1889~1961)

I live on Maple Street.楓樹街

We plan to go mountain climbing this weekend.

All men are created equal. 人人生而平等.

Males are usually bigger than females.雄性動物的身軀通常比雌性來的大.

Mangoes are tropical fruits.芒果是熱帶水果.

Fire-spitting dragons are imaginary monsters.噴火龍是假想的怪獸.

A mosquito bit me on my arm. 蚊子

The boy left some mud in the house. 那男孩在屋裡留下一些泥巴.

The moon is full and bright. 月亮又圓又亮.

Can you read a book by the moonlight ? 你能在月光下看書嗎?

Money makes the mare go. 有錢能使鬼推磨.

mare N.母馬;母驢

Children like to play in the mud. 孩子喜歡在泥中玩.

muddy adj. 多泥的 ; 似泥的 ; 污泥的

Have you ever heard the song "Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight..."?

你有沒有聽過這首歌, [在某處, 在黯淡的月光下...]?

George and Mary reached an agreement to go to Yang Ming Mountain.


My regular activity on Sundays is mountain climbing.


The monkey used its slender tail to hang on the tree.


Do you see the mountain over there?

Are you afraid of mice?

It is dangerous to go out at midnight.午夜外出是很危險的.

The moon is distant from the earth.遙遠的



Let nature be your teacher. 以大自然爲師.

( 夏綠蒂.布朗黛 Charlotte Bronte 1816~1855 ,英國小說家.詩人 ,著有[ 簡愛 ]. )

She love nature.

Every should protect the natural environment.


The bird laid eggs in its nest.

He cracked nuts with the nutcracker. 他用胡桃鉗把堅果轧碎.

We study natural science at school . 我們在學校學自然科學.

I am fond of nature. 我喜歡大自然.

fond [fɑnd] adj 喜歡的; 愛好的(+of) ;溺愛的; 溫柔的, 多情的

Tom is fond of music. 湯姆喜愛音樂。

She is very fond of ballet. 她很喜歡芭蕾。

The fond father smiled with pleasure. 溺愛孩子的父親高興地微笑了

Have you ever seen a squirrel eat a nut ?


squirrel [ˋskwɝəl] N.松鼠 ; 松鼠毛皮[U] vt.把...藏起來, 儲存[(+away)]

Squirrels feed on nuts. 松鼠以堅果為食。

She squirrelled away her money. 她把錢藏了起來。

He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks.




Oaks are often used for making furniture.


Mary is cutting oranges. 切柳丁

Sometimes an oar is used to steer a boat.


Jane bought ten oranges in the store.

That truck is filled with oranges. 卡車裝滿了柳橙.

The ocean is very big sea. 洋是非常大的海.

Oil makes machines run well.

Mary likes to cook with vegetable oil. 植物油

One should keep one's promise. 一個人應該遵守他的諾言.

That's one small step for me , one giant leap for mankind.

這是我的一小步,卻是人類的一大步. ( 阿姆斯壯, 美國首次登月的太空人)

An ox helps the farmer with his work. 公牛能夠幫助農夫耕作.

oyster N. 蠔; 牡蠣

We are running out of oil. 我們的油快用完了.

Let’s play outside.

This country is absent of oil.沒有生產石油.

Sailors spent most of their lives on the ocean.


Many people don’t like the taste of onions.洋蔥

Oxen are useful helpers in plowing a field.


plow N,犁 ; 似犁的工具; 除雪機; (大寫)北斗七星[the S]

plow Vt. 耕;犁 ; 開(路), 破(浪)前進 vi 耕地; 破(浪)前進;苦讀

Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries.


Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields.


We plowed our way through the crowd. 我們用力從人群中擠過去。

Farmers plow in autumn or spring. 農民在秋天或春天犁地。

Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves.


We've plowed through all the documents related to the case.


field [fIld] N. 原野; 田地; 牧場[C] ; 領域 ;場;域

field vt接(球); 派...上場比賽; 巧妙地回答

They were working in the cotton fields. 他們在棉田裡幹活。

He made a fortune in the gold fields of South Africa.


He is a prominent scholar in the field of linguistics.


As geologists, we work in the field most of the time.

作為地質學家, 我們大部分時間在野外工作。

It shows the presence of a magnetic field. 這表明有磁場存在

He fielded the ball smartly. 他巧妙地將球接住。

Italy fielded a strong team for the World

Cup. 義大利派了一支強隊角逐世界杯。

The Minister had to field some tricky questions from the reporters.


One should be responsible for what he does.


He loves outdoor activities very much , so he has dark skin.


Add some olive oil to the salad.橄欖油

I want some orange juice.

He bought several oranges.



A puffer swells when it gets angry.


puffer N.噴氣的人(或東西);河豚; 吹捧者;(拍賣時)抬價者

swell vi.腫脹;增加;高漲;鼓起

His ankles began to swell. 他的腳踝腫起來了。

The newly-arrived refugees swelled the ranks of the unemployed.


Anger swelled in him. 他心頭升起怒火。

The sails swelled out in the wind. 船帆在風中鼓起。

We run around the park.我們繞著公園跑.

There are ten children playing in the park.

We run by the park.我們跑步經過公園.(與上句意思略不同喔)

I like to go to a movie with a Coke and popcorn.

我喜歡帶可樂和爆米花去看電影! (多久沒吃爆米花啦!在台灣各地記得偶爾看見

賣爆米花的小販,一定要跟他 '交關'一下,因為他們是在賺辛苦的錢!

他們的職業病應是耳疾!但中老年人也不要吃太多,便便會出不來! 萬一如此,

就要用到通便的 SUMGEL ENEMA 'AID' 好貼 順淨浣腸(甘油)20cc x 10ps)

(2011.9.17 sam今天身體不適剛好用到!所以'順便' 給它教一下! ^^)



There is a park in front of my house.

There are some great places to hide near the pond. 池塘附近有一些可藏匿的好地方.

The boys were throwing stones into the pond.

I keep a little pig.

Aunt Sally baked a fruit pie.

They will go on a picnic next weeked.

The students are exercising on the playground.

We sat on the bench in the park.

Dad and mom sometimes like to walk around in the park.

Children sometimes can’t accept the death of a pet.

Some people believe that ghosts do exist. 有些人相信鬼魂真的存在.

(exist約唸 :一個Zst vi 存在)

The hunter set a trap to catch the wild pig.


Don’t judge a person by his looks. 不要以貌取人.

Pandas only eat bamboo for food.


Drink up the papaya milk right away , or it will become a jelly.


My brother taught the parrot to say a lot of words , such as "hello", "goobye",etc.

parrot N.鸚鵡

The Japanese peach is not only big but also sweet . However , it is expensive also.


We bought nothing but the pear.


which would you like , black pepper sauce or mushroom sauce?

黑胡椒醬 或 蘑菇醬

A flock of pigeons can be found in the square of the park usually.


The pineapple is the specialty of Tainan County.


Did you see the group of goats on the plains?


Is the earth the only planet which has creatures on it ?


The four essentials for plants' growth are soil , water , air abd sunlight.

植物生長的四要素爲土壤. 水.空氣和陽光.

He planted his garden with all kinds of flowers.

I need a wooden plate to fix the fence.


Would you like mashed potatoes or French fries?


She baked a pumpkin pie for her teatime dessert.


He has always wanted a puppy as a pet.


Scientists are trying to gain knowledge of other planets in many ways.


Let’s walk around the park.

Let’s go jogging in the park.慢跑

There is a park behind the post office.

There is a pond in front of the temple.廟前有個池塘.

People dream of flying to the moon.

Most people love peace.

All people love freedom.

Do you have a pet?

Have you ever seen a pig walking?

He lives in an isolated place.偏遠地方

You can always get popcorn in the movie


Do you eat pork?

It is a circular pond.那是一個圓形的池塘.



A queen is the wife of a king. 皇后是國王的妻子.

Julia is the beauty queen.選美皇后.



A rainbow appeared in the sky.

天空中出現一道彩虹. (2011.9.26 傍晚的臺北街頭, sam真的遇到了 )

Rabbits don't eat meat. 兔子不吃肉.

After the rain , a rainbow appeared in the east.

Because it rains , we can't go out to play.

Tom can eat ten bowls of rice.湯姆能吃十碗飯

(所以可簡稱伊為飯桶, sam例句常用到Tom,facebook朋友名字叫Tom的

請見諒嘿!哇不是故意ㄟ, 馬無係"挑鋼的" ^^ )

My mother grows some roses in the garden.

We have roses in June. 六月玫瑰盛開.

A rabbit’s eyes are red.

We don’t have much rain here.

It rained all day yesterday.

Where is the beginning of the river?這條河的起源在哪裡?

The rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.

May and June are the rainy seasons in Taiwan.

We eat more rice than bread. 我們吃米飯多於麵包.

There are five red roses in the vase.

That skyscraper is built on a base of solid rock.


Skyscraper (約唸: ‘sky, s魁ㄆ)

The skyscrapers block our view. 摩天大樓擋住了我們的視線

Solid adj 堅固的;固體的;純的;一致的;完整的

People like solid furniture. 人們喜歡結實的傢俱.

When water freezes, it becomes solid. 水結冰時變成固體.

This spoon is solid silver. 這把湯匙是純銀的.

We are solid for peace. 我們一致擁護和平.

James studied at the university for eight solid years.


Rock N. 岩石 ; 搖滾樂 Vt Vi 搖擺

The earthquake rocked the houses. 地震震動房屋

The trees rocked in the wind. 樹在風中搖曳。

Paul likes playing very loud rock. 保羅喜歡播放很響的搖滾樂

I have a feeling that it is going to rain. 我有個感覺,快要下雨了.

The magician made the rabbit disappear.


Take a raincoat with you in case it rains.


It seems to be raining.看來就要下雨了.

The water service will be difficult if it doesn’t rain.


It’s popular to raise rabbits in apartments.


I have never seen such a big rat.我從來沒看過這麼大的老鼠.

Schools should have classes teaching the public to recycle.


The coast is full of large rocks. 海岸上充滿了巨大的岩石.

The root of the tree was deep into the earth.


He rooted up the gress and planted some flowers.


It's pouring with rain outside.

I forgot to bring an umbrella.

Don't worry . We can use my umbrella together.

The sky is overcast.天空烏雲密佈。

What miserable weather it is ! 今天天氣很糟.

It's cloudy . It's cloudy today. 陰天

It's not a nice day. 今天天氣不太好.

It's clearing up. 雲散了.

The sun's come out. 雨過天晴了.

We are walking along the river.

There is a bridge over the river.

Raindrpos keep falling on my head.雨滴

Did you see any goats in the zoo?


Do you like rabbits?

It’s raining now.

She prefers red roses.

The poet compared a girl to a rose.詩人將女孩比做玫瑰.

Do they want rice or noodles?

The temple lies to the east of the River




Thought is the seed of action. 思想是行爲的種子.

People from the north are accustomed to walking on snow.

=People from the north are used to walking on snow.


accustomed adj.慣常的 /snow 雪

We will go swimming in the afternoon.

我們下午要去游泳 (游泳要用到"水",所以也歸在這兒)

I began to learn swimming when I was eight years old.

Singing is an art.唱歌是一種藝術 (唱歌也是人類的本能)

An artificial satellite doesn't stay in the space forever.



adj.人工的=manmade 人造的; 假的;矯揉造作的, 不自然的

The room was decorated with artificial flowers.


Her artificial manner made me sick.


The sky is blue.

The sky is cloudy. 天空烏雲密佈.

The sunlight is bright.陽光燦爛.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.滾石不生苔

moss N.苔蘚; 地衣[C][U] (地衣:在最惡劣的環境中能生長的生物之一)

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

The sheep is eating grass.

I like to swim in the sea.

Tom ate corn soup with a spoon.

There are sixteen strawberries on the cake.

Most people are afraid of snakes.

I have never seen snow before.

Look It’s snowing.

The stars were out last night.

The sun rises in the east.

The village is bathed in the sunlight. 這鄉村籠照在陽光中.

The sea was calm on the sunny day. [kam]平靜的

Don’t swim in the deep sea. 勿在深海裡游泳.

Titanic sank deep into the sea. 鐵達尼號深深陷入海底

When the sun comes out , the snow disappears.

The burning sunlight made me dizzy. dizzy adj 暈眩的[dIZI]


Japan is a nation with seas all around.


In the morning the sun comes into my room and wakes me up.


Neither you nor I like snakes. 你不喜歡蛇,我也不喜歡蛇.

Can you count the number of stars in the night sky ?

The Indian piped the snake out of the basket.


With the sun rising , a busy day begins.

The sand got into my eye.沙子跑進我的眼裡.

My sister is scared of snakes.我的妹妹怕蛇.

Eating seafood will cause spots on my skin.


Seeds are the major food for pigeons.


The sun sets earlier in winter than in summer.


Sharks deldom attack people unless they are attacked first.


The sun shone brightly above the sky. 太陽在天空中明亮的照耀著.

The boat is approaching the shore. 那艘傳正接近海岸.

There will be showers in the afternoon. 下午將會有陣雨.

It showers almost everyday in summer here in Taipei.


shower Vi 下雨 N.淋浴 ; 陣雨

We ordered a dish of shrimps to eat with the beer.


At a sight of a dog , she ran backward.


She enjoys the silence of the night very much.


It’s silly of you to go swimming in such a cold day.


There will be many snails in the farm after the rain. 蝸牛

It’s fun to build a snowman with your family on Christmas Eve.


Half a year in northern Canada is snowy and you can do nothing at all.


A spider is spinning its web. 一隻蜘蛛正在結網.

The steam locomotives are powered by steam.


The bread is as hard as stones. 這塊麵包硬得跟石頭一樣.

After a storm comes a calm. 暴風雨過後,一片寧靜.

They talked for the whole stormy night.


They use straw to make hats ,shoes and bags.


Toast with strawberry jam and milk is my favorite breakfast.


Clean streams are hard to be found nowadays.


Many people go surfing in summer. 衝浪

One swallow does not make a summer.

swallow[swalo]讀音似”刷了”N.燕子 Vt吞嚥


It is very dangerous for a child to swallow the whole jelly.


I always confuse swans with ducks.我總是把天鵝和鴨子弄混了.

The light swung slightly when the wind blew.


Swing swung swung Vi擺動 N.盪鞦韆(秋千)

I am afraid of spiders.

She likes strawberry ice cream .

He lives by the sea.

If you can’t fall asleep , try counting


There are many different kinds of snakes in

the world.

I have never seen snow.

We don’t see any stars tonight.

The earth moves round the sun.

My after-school activity is swimming.我的課外活動是游泳.

He joined the swimming club.

I am afraid of snakes.

The house is built of stone.

How far is the Earth from the sun?

The snow is falling fast.



Dad always drinks some tea after lunch.


Jim hurt his knee when he climbed the tree.

We are listening to the birds singing in the tree.

Mary likes purple tulips. 紫色鬱金香

The tree is very tall.

There are many typhoons in Taiwan last year.

The camp was canceled because of the typhoon. 露營因颱風而取消.

The bark of this tree is turning white. (樹皮, 約唸:巴克)

The old castle is among the trees.古堡在樹林環繞之中.

We start to decorate the Christmas tree before Christmas comes.

decorate vt 裝飾 (約唸:爹可瑞) ^^ 老爹我可變人瑞 ^^ 口甲120

You’d better prepare a flashlight before typhoon comes.

Traffic was interrupted by the typhoon.

Would you like some bread and jam with your


Mary’s mother served us cakes and tea.


The tangerine is full of vitamin C and is good for your skin.

橘子富含維他命C,對你的皮膚很好. [ˋtændʒə͵rin]

There is a big tree in front of the house.

When will the typhoon arrive?

We put the gifts under the Christmas tree.

Tomato juice is so popular here in Taiwan.

Tomatoes are full of nutrition.充滿養分

That is a real tiger.

Tigers inhabit land near the water.老虎棲息在靠水邊的陸地.

I don’t drink tea.

We had cookies and tea.

The typhoon caused a great damage.颱風造成了極大的損失.

We didn’t know how to decorate the Christmas tree.


The vase dropped to the floor.
We live near the village.
There are all kinds of vegetables in the market.

She drank a little water.
Can you add some ice to the water?
She drinks much water every day.
There ‘s no wind today.
We can’t live without water.
I took a walk after dinner.
I can’t bear this weather.我受不了這樣的天氣.
You should wear warm clothes in winter.
He is carrying a bucket of water.他正提著一桶水.
I drank two bottles of water.
Today is a rather windy day.今天稍微有風.


Have you been to the city zoo.
